Saturday, November 9, 2019

Office Equipment Written Answers Essay

KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING QUESTIONS Unit 221 Use Office Equipment Learner:Signature: AssessorSignatureDate Outcome 1: Know about different types of office equipment and its uses 1.1 Identify the different types of equipment and their uses  phones & e-mail allow people to contact you. Computers allow you to process business data, send pictures, pdf files and other files to customers, and vendors. Computers to design ads, budgets, as well as tracking and paying employees. printers and copiers to bulk create documents in the least expensive way possible. Hole punches to allow paperwork to be placed in binders or small folders easily. Answering machines to pick up missed calls. Post it notes to add importance to voice mail. Servers to allow multiple computers to access the same data. 1.2 Describe their different features and what they can be used for? Computers: Email, Word processing, internet, databases, file storage – Computers can be used for contact and also researching things on the internet. Computers can also be used to type professional letters or emails to customers. Files made can also be saved onto the computers memory and then can be edited or used again. Computers are also good for designing ads, look at budgets and can be used to track the payment of employees. Answering machines: Answering machines are used to pick up messages that people may have left you; it is normally used to ring customers back if you have missed their call. A good form of positive customer service. Photocopier & Printer: The printer is used to print off any work you have done on the computer or any files you have been sent or downloaded. Most regularly used for printing letters to customers and vendors. Photo copiers can are used to  copy hard copies of files. You get small copiers which only copy files, or you can get a copier that can also print and scan documents to your computer. 1.3 Explain why different types of equipment are chosen for tasks and what they are used for (e.g. to produce booklets) 1) Computers are used to write letters and communicate because letters look more professional when typed out, and by communicating online via email, it prevents the use of more paper. 2) Printers and Photocopiers: These are used because not all things can be done electronically, for example if a letter needed sending to lots of people, a hardcopy could be photocopied lots of times. Or if you have the letter template already on your computer, you can print lots of copies Outcome 2: Understand the purpose of the following instructions and health and safety procedures 2.1 Why is it important to follow manufacturer’s instructions when operating equipment? Manufacturers instructions are usually in place to not only protect the equipment from being damaged, but to also stop you getting injured using the equipment. Instructions are there to make sure you know how to use the equipment properly and how to use it without faults. 2.2. Why is it important to follow organisational instructions when using equipment? Organisational instructions are instructions that organisations put in place, they may have policies on how much you print or who can use the equipment for safety reasons. They may only have a photocopier in reception area so they know exactly who is using it and when. It is important to follow instructions of an organisation because they are normally put in place to help things run more smoothly and also for the safety of the staff. 2.3 What are the health and safety procedures for using different types of equipment? There should always be a risk assessment in place for possible accidents in the office, health and safety procedures in the office may be as simple as putting your bag under your desk to stop slips and trips. The most common injury is caused by manual handling; moving heavy equipment in the wrong way can cause strains and pulled muscles. Another procedure that may be in place is, no fluids at your desk. If you were to spill fluids, it may cause an electrocution hazard 2.4 Why is it important to follow health and safety procedures when using equipment? Health and safety procedures are in place to protect anyone from injury or harm, they’re there to prevent any hazards that may come into play in the office. In order to keep yourself and your colleagues safe, the procedures should be followed. 2.5 Why is it important to keep equipment clean and hygienic? You may not be the only person having to use the equipment and it is only courtesy to keep the equipment as you found it. Equipment should be kept clean and hygienic to prevent picking up illnesses such as cold and flu, and also to keep it pleasant. A sticky desk or keyboard and a crumby desk isn’t the nicest mess to tidy up when it isn’t your own. Outcome 3: Understand how to use equipment in a way that minimises waste 3.1 Give examples of waste when using equipment] The biggest source of waste is paper, every time a letter is opened, the envelope is thrown away, and when printing goes wrong the paper is thrown away. Ink cartridges from printers and photocopiers are thrown away when empty, as are multiple pens when they run out of ink. 3.2 Give examples of ways to reduce waste There are multiple ways to reduce waste, one of them being electronically. If people have email accounts, then letters can be sent this way rather than via post. Another way is to recycle waste, although maybe this may cause the same amount of waste, it will be used to make another batch of usable paper or other supplies. 3.3 Explain why you should minimise waste Reducing waste saves money and also is eco friendly. By printing on both sides of paper, the cost of paper is decreased by half. It can also maximise space in the office, by having less paper supplies around the office, more space becomes available in its place. Outcome 4: Know about the different types of problems that may occur when using equipment and how to deal with them 4.1 Give examples of equipment problems Technical faults can happen regularly in an office where lots of equipment is used in one place. Faults can include power shortages, phone line faults and technical faults on computers. Other faults can include issues with the printers or copiers and also issues with shortages of stationary. In order to prevent these issues, regular checks should be carried out on stocks and also the electrical equipment. 4.2 Explain why you should follow manufacturer’s instruction and organisation procedures when dealing with problems Manufacturer’s instructions ensure you are using the equipment in the right way and so reduces the chances or breakages via using the equipment wrongly. Organisations procedures make sure that the equipment is being used appropriately and so only the things that need to be printed or copied should be. Both of these should help prevent problems, but should also help  you deal with problems when they arise. 4.3 Give examples of how to deal with problems A technical issue should always be reported to the technician who knows how to deal with the problem. But the ideal way to deal with these problems is regular checks on the equipment to make sure no issues are arising. Outcome 5: Understand the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines 5.1 Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when using equipment If there are standards and deadlines in place for using equipment, it’s probably for a good reason. For example, you may get a task to type, print and send out a number of letters before a certain time. You should follow these deadlines as there is a possibility that the letter is of high importance and may contain valuble information which they will need for a certain time. This is the same for any deadline, there will be an importance behind the deadline which will be the reason you have to have the task done for a certain time. Outcome 6: Understand the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user 6.1 Explain the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user Leaving the equipment ready for the next user is manners, maybe the next people who use your work area wont need the stationery you’ve been using and won’t be using the same equipment you’ve been using. To have your area ready for the next person, make sure you leave it exactly how you found it when you started the day. Make sure it’s left how you would want to find it when you start work

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